Friday, February 26, 2016

To-Know and Not-To-Know


To-Know and Not-To-Know

Knowledge can be defined as none other than 'To know the truth'. To know something which is not true can be meant for entertainment but cannot be considered as knowledge because that does not add any value in our lives. Everything that exists - living or non living, big or small, good or bad, on earth or beyond earth is all the truth. To know about these is Knowledge. Learning and realizing the fact that all the truths in the universe are nothing but part of  the mUltilateral truth' or the Param Brahma is the ultimate knowledge.
Our five sensory faculties along with mind constitute the six indriyas to receive knowledge.  The truth always existed, is constant and will remain unchanged for time to come. Acceptance and the degree of acceptance may vary from time to time. Truth is constant and cannot be compared. A person standing in front of a a tree can close his eyes and assume that the tree does not exist. But that would merely be his non-acceptance of the truth, it does not make the tree.

'Not to know' in other words can be defined as not accepting the truth. Its is not the same as 'not knowing'. It is knowing and non accepting or ignoring. In day to day life, our self driven obstruction of the senses lead us to Not-Know many things.

  • To not know the truth that all faiths, beliefs and practices in the religious world are ultimate part of the onk ::)e creation and lead to realization of God, leads to conflicts in the world. 
  • In the society, to not know that even a person who does not believe in Shirdi Sai is also His creation, pushes us away from that person. This leads to bias in our affection and responsibilities towards others. 
  • To not know that happiness and pain in our life caused by various factors are ultimately the creation of God alone, leads us to question our faith during adversities in life. 
  • To not know the fact that we are just an embodiment of an non destructive soul and that our existence is very limited, leads us to seek for frivolous and materialistic things in life. Rather than focusing on raising our consciousness, and self improvement, we fall into the trap of ego, honor-seeking, anger and jealousy. 
  • To not know that truth that all living and non living beings are a part of the Ultimate truth, makes us insensitive towards nature and other animals leading to endangerment of living beings.
Thus, we mere humans with all our senses and an opportunity called life should try to realize and accept the Truth. If we do so and pray to Sainath, we may finally realize the Ultimate-Truth, something which is not possible without the blessings of a Sadguru

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