Tuesday, November 11, 2014

What do we seek from God ?

Recently a friend of mine said “ Please pray to Baba to bless me for my exams” And I said spontaneously “ Baba’s blessings are always with us, we just don’t realize It” As I said that , it brought two interesting questions to my mind.

1) First – Do Baba’s blessing(s) come for specific  purpose(s)?

When we seek blessings for our sick child, our healing of sorrows, for success in a venture, for help in desperation, does the Supreme Lord bless us then and there with some powers that cater only to solve the problem we sought help for? I am amazed sometimes to think that over and over again we have been trying to realize the formless and unlimited God and still seek for packaged blessings for small little things and hurdles in our life. Why? If God who is infinite, who is ‘One’, chooses to bless His devotees , why would He chose to bless with finite and multiple blessings for innumerable times we seek? If after all, the sole purpose of God’s blessing(s) is raising our consciousness and uplifting the soul in us, wouldn't it be justified that blessing (and not blessings) come as one?  It’s just the limitation of human memory  that we keep forgetting -  He, the creator and operator of the universe is always present in us and governing us. He being aware of both happiness and sorrows, the giver of both gain and pain is always blessing us. We just need to realize the blessing in every moment we live.

2) Second – Are Baba’s blessings time bound?

We mostly reach out to God begging when the situation propels us to. In the best of out time, we hardly feel the necessity of seeking help from anyone, leave alone God. Only when things start getting out of our hand and incidents beyond our understanding, we get desperate and feel the necessity of some powerful God to hold our hand, to comfort us and save us. We expect a miracle to happen. Parambrahma or the Supreme God is timeless then how come His blessings come to action within limited boundaries of time defined by human beings?  He who governs births and rebirths of living beings, He who governs the creation-destruction-reconstruction of universes, He who operates beyond the human time, how can His blessing be time bound?

With our limited wisdom we categorize moments and situations to be pleasure  vs pain, happiness vs remorse, gain vs loss and react accordingly. Why do we differentiate good as the blessing and unpleasant as a curse? These are the questions we need to ask ourselves before we seek His blessing any given day.

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