The relevance and purpose of birth of Saints and Sadgurus on this earth is completely beyond the comprehension of mankind. For a layman like me, this could be my vain attempt in trying to write this article. Before I start, I seek forgiveness from Sri Sainath and Guruji for writing something purely out of my imagination which sprouted from the very limited knowledge that I have gained in my life. I would like to quote from Bhagwat Gita:
Meaning - For the protection of the good, for the destruction of the evil and for the establishment of dharma (righteousness), I (the Lord) am born from age to age.
Very fortunate are we who have been born to live in the era of Guruji Chandra Bhanu Satpathy Ji. It is one thing to be guided and and inspired by spiritual books but being in the direct contact of a spiritual master like Guruji brings a completely different perspective to one's spiritual journey. Similar would have been the experiences of devotees and followers who had come in contact with Sai Baba at Shirdi, Sri Ramakrishna at Dakhineswar, Anandamayee Maa at Haridwar. Many experiences of the devotees get documented and many more which stays only in the memories of the witnesses. It wont be long when tales and experiences of followers with Guruji will become a remarkable Grantha in the spiritual world.
Shirdi Sai and other Sadgurus:
The relevance of saints and spiritual masters has always been tied to the time or era in which they walked the earth in a human body. There is always predetermined relevance about the time of their birth, self realization, spirit evolution, becoming a social inspiration, becoming a spiritual guide for devotees, entering Mahasamadhi (leaving the human body and merging with the Param Brahma, the ultimate reality), and then becoming the spiritual lighthouse for all generations to come. From the pre-historic times, through the middle ages and the modern day world, each master had specific purpose for their descent on earth. All events surrounding a spiritual master mostly seem to be mere coincidences to a layman.
As we all know from Guruji, Baba appeared at Shirdi, India at the time of the confluence of three religions - Hinduism from prehistoric times, Islam brought by the Mughal empire and Christianity brought by the British rule. As with many saints, religious rules were broken, the traditional ways of worship was questioned, differentiating factors across religious lines were dissolved. People from all walks of life irrespective of their religious beliefs and caste and language came together under the umbrella of Sri Sainath. People who came in contact changed and evolved. They started throwing their weaknesses and practices which obstructed them from accepting others who were different. Love and affection towards people, focus on one and ultimate nirakaar God while worshiping their own deity(sakaar) was being realized. Charity, benevolence and tolerance started to take precedence, the utmost qualities one needs to develop for God realization.
Similarly Ramakrishna's transcendental love and longing for Maa Kali at Dakhineswar and later becoming a Paramhansa had it's influence in the lives of millions around the world. He practiced and experienced all other religions , yet was beyond them. The greatest of Sri Ramakrishna's disciple, Swami Vivekananda de-intellectualized himself in order to realize the omnipresent and omniscience God. He became the foremost torchbearer to expand the vedanta philosophy in the whole world. It was time when missionaries considered it necessary for Indians to learn and follow a global religion, Vivekananda's speech at the Parliament of Religions in 1893 amazed the whole world.The western religious leaders and philosophers were left baffled at what young Vivekananda had to say. Vivekananda's talks on Hindu philospohy and vedanta studies on universal acceptance, tolerance and, how all religions merge into one ocean of God realization would soon become the epitome of 'Oneness of God and universality of religions'. Similar are the lives of Ramana Maharshi, Anandamayee Maa, Kabir, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and other sadgurus..
Spirituality Today:
In this age of tele-communication and internet, spirituality and acceptance by the society has been facing unthinkable challenges. With the advent of television, started the mass broadcast of religion with customized discourses, religious gatherings, yoga camps and meditation. Catch words were created and they made their way into the common man's dictionary and psyche. Seekers now need not travel far way to visit holy lands or experience spiritual awakening. They were available on the television which could be enjoyed relaxing on the couch. Religion, yoga, merchandise, gemstones etc. came in a package for the modern day devotee. People got more indulged into rituals and practices they never were able to comprehend.
Guruji Chandra Bhanu Satpathy:
Guruji who on one hand is a successful family man, a respected administrator, an admired writer and poet is also a realized soul of the highest order. I could only imagine one of his many purpose to have come to our lives.I believe, He comes to cleanse the process of spiritual seeking in this era of commercialized spirituality. Time had come to show the world the reality and explain the true meaning of God seeking.The mythical world created by numerous present day Gurus with their self proclaimed God realization and building an empire around them are growing. People's faith in the ultimate God is being tested as they get lured into the corporate level marketing of spirituality. Shirdi Sai Baba's philosophy of simplicity in the path of God seeking through one's actions in day to day life has become the greatest of the mantras. It could not have been more relevant than what it is today. Through his books, music and discourses, Guruji is spreading the much needed SAIISM in the world. Guruji through his work has touched millions of lives around the world and is inspiring millions to follow the same path - Being in this mundane world, in your limited lifetime, you can realize God through love and respecting people of all faiths in the world. Difference of opinion should not lead to difference of mind. By self correction and being self less, you can achieve self realization. By understanding death, you will understand the value of your life. 'Bhava' is more important than rituals and mantras. Being spiritual means expansion of one's consciousness. Acceptance rather than rejection is the tool for evolution. In order to get Sadguru's kindness, you have to be kind to others.
One would need a separate book to record all of his teachings and philosophies. I have stated a few lines. Through his epic Guru Bhagawat which is a five part series explains in detail the simpler aspects of spirituality and the different realms of Guru-Shishya relationship. A true sense of religion and bhakti can be experienced in all of his books and music alike. The misconceptions pertaining to one's own religion and associated practices can be removed if one studies Guruji's work. His discourses on simplicity of bhakti towards your Guru are eye openers. One who follows Guruji would definitely realize how omnipresent he is and how active Sri Sainath of Shirdi is from his tomb. He continues to give directions to many seekers, holds the hand of the distressed, comforts the sorrows of his followers, takes care of all like a mother and gives strength like a father. He stands like a light house for the drifting souls until they reach the ultimate shore.
paritraanaaya sadhuunaam vinaashaaya chadushkritaam |
dharma samsthaapanaarthaaya sambhavaami yuge yuge ||
Meaning - For the protection of the good, for the destruction of the evil and for the establishment of dharma (righteousness), I (the Lord) am born from age to age.
Very fortunate are we who have been born to live in the era of Guruji Chandra Bhanu Satpathy Ji. It is one thing to be guided and and inspired by spiritual books but being in the direct contact of a spiritual master like Guruji brings a completely different perspective to one's spiritual journey. Similar would have been the experiences of devotees and followers who had come in contact with Sai Baba at Shirdi, Sri Ramakrishna at Dakhineswar, Anandamayee Maa at Haridwar. Many experiences of the devotees get documented and many more which stays only in the memories of the witnesses. It wont be long when tales and experiences of followers with Guruji will become a remarkable Grantha in the spiritual world.
Shirdi Sai and other Sadgurus:
The relevance of saints and spiritual masters has always been tied to the time or era in which they walked the earth in a human body. There is always predetermined relevance about the time of their birth, self realization, spirit evolution, becoming a social inspiration, becoming a spiritual guide for devotees, entering Mahasamadhi (leaving the human body and merging with the Param Brahma, the ultimate reality), and then becoming the spiritual lighthouse for all generations to come. From the pre-historic times, through the middle ages and the modern day world, each master had specific purpose for their descent on earth. All events surrounding a spiritual master mostly seem to be mere coincidences to a layman.
As we all know from Guruji, Baba appeared at Shirdi, India at the time of the confluence of three religions - Hinduism from prehistoric times, Islam brought by the Mughal empire and Christianity brought by the British rule. As with many saints, religious rules were broken, the traditional ways of worship was questioned, differentiating factors across religious lines were dissolved. People from all walks of life irrespective of their religious beliefs and caste and language came together under the umbrella of Sri Sainath. People who came in contact changed and evolved. They started throwing their weaknesses and practices which obstructed them from accepting others who were different. Love and affection towards people, focus on one and ultimate nirakaar God while worshiping their own deity(sakaar) was being realized. Charity, benevolence and tolerance started to take precedence, the utmost qualities one needs to develop for God realization.
Similarly Ramakrishna's transcendental love and longing for Maa Kali at Dakhineswar and later becoming a Paramhansa had it's influence in the lives of millions around the world. He practiced and experienced all other religions , yet was beyond them. The greatest of Sri Ramakrishna's disciple, Swami Vivekananda de-intellectualized himself in order to realize the omnipresent and omniscience God. He became the foremost torchbearer to expand the vedanta philosophy in the whole world. It was time when missionaries considered it necessary for Indians to learn and follow a global religion, Vivekananda's speech at the Parliament of Religions in 1893 amazed the whole world.The western religious leaders and philosophers were left baffled at what young Vivekananda had to say. Vivekananda's talks on Hindu philospohy and vedanta studies on universal acceptance, tolerance and, how all religions merge into one ocean of God realization would soon become the epitome of 'Oneness of God and universality of religions'. Similar are the lives of Ramana Maharshi, Anandamayee Maa, Kabir, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and other sadgurus..
Spirituality Today:
In this age of tele-communication and internet, spirituality and acceptance by the society has been facing unthinkable challenges. With the advent of television, started the mass broadcast of religion with customized discourses, religious gatherings, yoga camps and meditation. Catch words were created and they made their way into the common man's dictionary and psyche. Seekers now need not travel far way to visit holy lands or experience spiritual awakening. They were available on the television which could be enjoyed relaxing on the couch. Religion, yoga, merchandise, gemstones etc. came in a package for the modern day devotee. People got more indulged into rituals and practices they never were able to comprehend.
Guruji Chandra Bhanu Satpathy:
Guruji who on one hand is a successful family man, a respected administrator, an admired writer and poet is also a realized soul of the highest order. I could only imagine one of his many purpose to have come to our lives.I believe, He comes to cleanse the process of spiritual seeking in this era of commercialized spirituality. Time had come to show the world the reality and explain the true meaning of God seeking.The mythical world created by numerous present day Gurus with their self proclaimed God realization and building an empire around them are growing. People's faith in the ultimate God is being tested as they get lured into the corporate level marketing of spirituality. Shirdi Sai Baba's philosophy of simplicity in the path of God seeking through one's actions in day to day life has become the greatest of the mantras. It could not have been more relevant than what it is today. Through his books, music and discourses, Guruji is spreading the much needed SAIISM in the world. Guruji through his work has touched millions of lives around the world and is inspiring millions to follow the same path - Being in this mundane world, in your limited lifetime, you can realize God through love and respecting people of all faiths in the world. Difference of opinion should not lead to difference of mind. By self correction and being self less, you can achieve self realization. By understanding death, you will understand the value of your life. 'Bhava' is more important than rituals and mantras. Being spiritual means expansion of one's consciousness. Acceptance rather than rejection is the tool for evolution. In order to get Sadguru's kindness, you have to be kind to others.
One would need a separate book to record all of his teachings and philosophies. I have stated a few lines. Through his epic Guru Bhagawat which is a five part series explains in detail the simpler aspects of spirituality and the different realms of Guru-Shishya relationship. A true sense of religion and bhakti can be experienced in all of his books and music alike. The misconceptions pertaining to one's own religion and associated practices can be removed if one studies Guruji's work. His discourses on simplicity of bhakti towards your Guru are eye openers. One who follows Guruji would definitely realize how omnipresent he is and how active Sri Sainath of Shirdi is from his tomb. He continues to give directions to many seekers, holds the hand of the distressed, comforts the sorrows of his followers, takes care of all like a mother and gives strength like a father. He stands like a light house for the drifting souls until they reach the ultimate shore.
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