Monday, June 2, 2008

Why Thought Log?

The whole idea of this thought-log is to set myself free. Free of the idea of selling a point, to prove something or bring in a change. I want to do something for the first time which does not have a purpose. Recently I have been following some blogs and found that somewhere, somehow every blogger is trying to sell something, they want readers to accept certain things or views. I don’t want to do that.

First thing came to my mind what name shall I coin: Idealog or may be Thoughtlog then I paused for a moment and thought “Am I again trying to market something?” , “do I want to make something popular?”, “Or am I trying to bring in a revolution to the whole concept of blogging again?” That makes me feel lost again!

But that’s what I am feeling right now. I just wanted to jot down all my thoughts, free flowing thoughts. When I think of naming it Idealog, somewhere I was trying to put the whole thing into closed ended braces where I have already set my goal or target because every Idea has a purpose. We want to achieve something with every idea and that’s true to the core. Think about it. Time and gain I m trying to free myself from those shackles or bonds. I don’t want someone to go through my thought-logs and try to find the intention lurking between the lines. I am not trying to sell something. I don’t want to be the guru who revolutionized blogging, just when it was growing up.

So you might find sentences logically disconnected, that’s the whole idea. Every time I want to write, I don’t want to have an end point or an ambition. I will try to name every thought log but that again would be difficult as I don’t want this be subject or event oriented. I don’t want this to have a purposeful start, a logical end and befitting content in between. I shall stop where I can’t find words and can’t take my log in a direction. Wait, why do I need to have a direction at all? When I know that thoughts are free flowing…..I don’t want to start somewhere and end somewhere. I want to have no direction. I want the end to be continuity.

I don’t want to stop myself of not being repetitive; I don’t want to put ornamentally decorated words or sentences to make reading more beautiful. And trust me it’s a difficult thing to do. Try to do it and you would realize how difficult it is. Time and again you would stop to rephrase your words or thoughts or might want to put a particular word that you would have thought or that has pricked your mind sometimes back in the past. I want to release my mind of that bond, I want to beak the shackles and set free.

May be that’s the reason I thought of the name thought-log. Thoughts come and go all the time and every next thought may not be connected. They are just thoughts. Jotting down thought as they come is a equally difficult because I might not have my laptop or a notepad to type or scribble something all day long but thoughts come and go all the time, even when we are fast asleep. So what I decided is to jot it down when I feel like. There would be no fixed schedule, no particular idea, and no particular event. I would do this as and when I feel like. ”Samandar mein nahke aur bhi namkeen ho gayi ho”. As I am jotting down, this RD Burman number just crossed my mind. So I write it down. Isn’t this a difficult practice? Or may be such an easy thing to do!!! But I think I will put it into practice. You would find many words or sentences repetitive in my thought-logs. As I said thought have no sequence, if it does then it is an idea and you are setting up your vision or ambition to fulfill something. Break free. Probably this is the only thing what I can really do what I want to do…….no purpose of writing this down. I feel better.

And as I was on the LaGuardia airport runway aboard my northwest airlines flight to Dallas through Minneapolis, I thought that as I leave the ground and released of the ground below my feet, I would do this thing that I always wanted to do from the bottom of my heart, Write. So, I m typing all this on my Lenovo, some thirty thousand feet above the ground as a first step of not being grounded. Ambitions are built on the ground and try to attain heights. I know I can’t build something in mid air. So I start it here. No ground to start so nothing to build. I am free from ambition. As I switched on my laptop the jet rose above the gloomy New York cloud cover, the beautiful sun scattered the rays on my screen as if he wanted to say “son, you have just set yourself free, welcome to the vastness”

1 comment:

SUSANT said...

Welcome to the blog world!
The very word 'thought' symbolizes something that is free flowing and cannot be limited by society set or rationality set boundaries.

Wish you all the luck and more of these thoughts that can be logged.