Monday, June 2, 2008

Putting Life (What?) Into Practice

The day a child is born, it cries and then schedules it for needs, it cries for food, for pain, for want. As we grow, playing in the evening, getting ready fro school in the morning, wearing neat uniforms, queuing in a particular order in the prayer hall becomes a part of our lives. We don’t like it initially but later call it a good practice and some intellects call it discipline.

Then comes the practice of choosing career and then job. Practice of earning money and then dreaming for more and more. That’s a practice. Initially people regarded this as moving away from life and peace as we creep into the supersonic world of competition. Hardly any time to sleep and rest, weekend parties becomes a practice. We get happiness and fun and joy out of it. If we do not do that, we are left out in this world, we are not progressing. Progress is a practice. Fortune, lavish clothing brands, Merc, Estee Lauder once was lavish and luxury and waste of money. Now we need it and we get it, which has again become a good practice.

Parents always wanted their kids to stay with them and never ever might have imagined 50 years back that their life would be so separated and distanced from their nexr generations. But as per Darwin’s theory of evolution, they evolved. They started realizing that they have to part. So did they. Now missing parents is something childish and non-sense kind of attitude. People sometimes shy away from confessing the same. Or may be we have put that into practice not to miss. Now we can miss our friends and partners, read boyfriends and girlfriends but really don’t much miss our parents. Good practice. Traveling far away from our family to a new country and adapting to this life is a good practice. We like it.

Then comes the look for a better career and better job and hence better salaries. We then move out of our little circle of temporary people that we eventually build in our life, our little world and move to achieve something in life. Now that something becomes unclear and distorted. But one thing for sure, we throw out the happiness from our lives. Sorry, rather we redefine our parameters of happiness. We are running out to no where from somewhere. Being less happy and reducing our worlds further might help us to achieve more happiness. That again needs practice and we are doing our best to achieve that. We will put this to practice again. Cheers !!


Ashish said...

Shaan it seems you gonna be next Paulo Coelho. Whatever you wrote in the blog is the reality. We make life complex only to realize hope it wasn't so. We try to be what - we are not.Still we have to learn to live with it as it was/is our decision.

Shaan'sThought Logs said...

Paulo Coelho and Me?
must be kidding. just felt like jotting down. Thanks for the kind words.