Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Realizing the Chicago Pilgrimage

Realizing the Chicago Pilgrimage
Practical Demonstration of Four Yogas 

People who were in Chicago during the weekend of November 15th, 2014, to attend the tenth year anniversary of Shirdi Sai temple of  Chicago (located in the Hampshire suburb), were definitely fortunate and blessed, without a doubt. Needless to say, it was a pilgrimage like no other for Sai devotees and followers of Guruji C.B Satpathy Ji.
            Of the many takeaways from this spiritual trip, this is one of them. Our trip started with some challenges. People across North America, New Zealand, Europe and India had booked their tickets flying in to Chicago. A week before the event, a rare polar vortex hit the upper Midwest breaking all records of winter temperatures pounding snow all over. The storm slowly approached the great lakes area and was forecast to hit Chicago with a snow storm, during the event. Travelers started getting all precautionary emails regarding the weather and had to prepare well for the trip. With devotion in their heart and faith in Sai, travelers and organizers both went ahead with the planning as scheduled. It was a test of Baba which surely did raise some concerns in the minds of devotees. 
             As it has always been, Baba's kids are always protected. It was evident as the weather became dry and sun was shining as people stared landing in Chicago. Faith conquered the first psychological challenge. As people reached Chicago, Guruji's Sai family started adding more and more members. The warmth of emotions and brotherhood was something to feel. Weather was challenging but not as harsh as expected. The protection of Baba was already reflecting.
              Swami Vivekananda had said " Every Soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divinity within by controlling nature : External and Internal. Do this either by work, or worship, or psychic control, or philosophy - by one, or more, or all of these - and be free." As per the Vedanta philosophy and also practices prescribed by Shirdi Sai and Guruji, the four paths of yoga are - Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga and Raja Yoga. Shirdi Sai Temple Chicago is a true demonstration of the the paths mentioned above. This is how it goes - The temple complex was divided into distinct four parts each reflecting one of the four paths.

Bhakti Yoga - Divinity through worship. The main temple hall where Baba's statue resides, you can feel only one thing - the ever compassionate presence of Shirdi Sai Baba. What emanates from Baba's hall is pure and serene bhakti (devotion). His presence is in the life-like form of His statue in this temple. His compassionate love can be experienced in the hall filled with hundreds of portraits of characters associated with Shirdi Sai Baba during His stay in Shirdi. Also in this Hall, you would see Baba's paintings and photographs performing his divine leelas. Baba and His Bhaktas (Devotees) who saw the 'God who walked on earth', adorn this hall.

Jnana Yoga - Divinity through philosophy. Just below Baba's hall, there is 'Guru Sthan' - The abode of the Gurus. Photographs of many realized saints or Gurus from the past adorn the Guru Sthan. You will see Guruji C. B Satpathy Ji's portrait above entry to Guru Sthan. These Gurus with their divine knowledge had transformed the society and still guide millions of people towards God realization through the Jnana or knowledge imparted. Their divine knowledge acts as the lighthouse for millions of souls drifting in the ocean of Maya.

Raja Yoga - Divinity through psychic control. Adjacent to the main temple, there is a meditation hall. Baba with a hookah adorn this hall generating a divine and serene environment for devotees to meditate on God. Raja yoga is the practice of meditation.  The meditation hall is the place to practice the same.

Karma Yoga - Divinity through work. Adjacent to the meditation hall is another building which houses the temple office and kitchen. All of Baba's work in the temple and reaching out to devotees across the globe is being carried out here. During the event, the volunteers in the basement kitchen incessantly fed thousands of devotees every single day, only with devotion towards Baba and selfless service without any thought of gain or reward. Such is the work done every week in the Baba's temple for years. The true path of divinity through service to mankind is reflected here.

                 After having visited Chicago temple and having experienced this in person, its is needless to say that  in the background of all the events, there lied a powerful message of Guruji and Baba which people would sooner or later start to realize more divinity as they revisit the Chicago events in their mind in the months to come.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

What do we seek from God ?

Recently a friend of mine said “ Please pray to Baba to bless me for my exams” And I said spontaneously “ Baba’s blessings are always with us, we just don’t realize It” As I said that , it brought two interesting questions to my mind.

1) First – Do Baba’s blessing(s) come for specific  purpose(s)?

When we seek blessings for our sick child, our healing of sorrows, for success in a venture, for help in desperation, does the Supreme Lord bless us then and there with some powers that cater only to solve the problem we sought help for? I am amazed sometimes to think that over and over again we have been trying to realize the formless and unlimited God and still seek for packaged blessings for small little things and hurdles in our life. Why? If God who is infinite, who is ‘One’, chooses to bless His devotees , why would He chose to bless with finite and multiple blessings for innumerable times we seek? If after all, the sole purpose of God’s blessing(s) is raising our consciousness and uplifting the soul in us, wouldn't it be justified that blessing (and not blessings) come as one?  It’s just the limitation of human memory  that we keep forgetting -  He, the creator and operator of the universe is always present in us and governing us. He being aware of both happiness and sorrows, the giver of both gain and pain is always blessing us. We just need to realize the blessing in every moment we live.

2) Second – Are Baba’s blessings time bound?

We mostly reach out to God begging when the situation propels us to. In the best of out time, we hardly feel the necessity of seeking help from anyone, leave alone God. Only when things start getting out of our hand and incidents beyond our understanding, we get desperate and feel the necessity of some powerful God to hold our hand, to comfort us and save us. We expect a miracle to happen. Parambrahma or the Supreme God is timeless then how come His blessings come to action within limited boundaries of time defined by human beings?  He who governs births and rebirths of living beings, He who governs the creation-destruction-reconstruction of universes, He who operates beyond the human time, how can His blessing be time bound?

With our limited wisdom we categorize moments and situations to be pleasure  vs pain, happiness vs remorse, gain vs loss and react accordingly. Why do we differentiate good as the blessing and unpleasant as a curse? These are the questions we need to ask ourselves before we seek His blessing any given day.