Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How to get rich ?

We have survived the most feared doomsday in the history of human civilization. The Mayan calendar and the deadlines have been proved wrong but as the human race survives, the most advanced species on the face of the earth are getting wretched. They are getting poor and hence feeble.

Talking of poverty, if you look at history, the meaning of wealth has changed over time. The cave men's wealth was food, they hunted animals and conquered forests for food. That resulted in capturing territories and hence building kingdoms. They invented weapons made of stone, wood, brass. Definition of wealth changed. In order to maintain and protect the kingdoms, the wealth needed was strong men, warriors. To create and maintain the system, a currency was needed - then came precious metals. Gold captured the imagination of thinkers and philosophers. The same shiny metal would be no value a few thousand years ago for the cave men. They could not have made attacking weapons out of it. Meaning of wealth changed again. With gold and jewels, men fought for power. The next phase of human civilization saw the emergence of pride, the pride of becoming world leaders. The world wars were not meant to capture gold mines of hostile countries. It was the supremacy of human prowess. We evolved from that and we have reached a point where we have everything our fore fathers wished for as their wealth at different phases- food, gold, land, prowess, dignity and pride. So, the question arises - what do we wish for now to call ourselves wealthy? How do we get rich today?

After much thought and weighing different valuables I posses, I came to conclusion that if there is something I would call wealth and thus protect it is Relationships. We build and treasure relationships in our life and like wealth it comes to your rescue when you are in distress. The tools used to earn this wealth is love, compassion, forgiveness, accommodation, ignoring faults in others. It's not an easy job to do. Like it takes sweat and persistence to build wealth, so does relationships need a big heart and patience. People don't realize how much vulnerable our life has become that it takes years to build a good relationship and earn the right people in our lives. Having said so and as the old saying goes, it takes years to build and so it takes a few seconds to loose.

Like money and gold, if we do not build on it, we lose it. We spend it and we waste it. Similarly behaves relationship. Once we have the people in our lives, if we do not nurture them with constant love, affection, care and communication, we too will lose them. Look back and you will realize how much wealth you have wasted in the last few years just because you did not have time to value them as wealth. We did not spend time and effort of retaining those. We lost them.

Now, what we get out of this wealth is far more precious than what you could harness from so called fictitious worldly wealth. Relationship is non-perishable, money is. You never lose this - It stays, waiting for you. Look back, forgive if you are hurt, find if you have lost, establish connection to someone in the past. All it takes is a little time and a heart filled with love. That gold will come back to you. This has happened and will keep happening. Unlike money, lost relationships can be regained and re-earned. All the tools it needs are the one that I have already mentioned and many more that you know but above all tools you need - Patience and Acceptance. Rest all will follow.

Since all this inspiration comes from my Gurujee and Baba who guides me in my journey towards being a better human, the wealthiest people on this earth today are the ones who have built that relationship with the Supreme, or, are on the path of building the same. Your love and journey towards Baba, guided by your Guru will lead you to discover the greatest wealth of your life. Go, get on the journey and earn more wealth. Go, get rich.

PS: discovered something similar in Dec 2013 while reading - Page 24 - THE TIBETAN BOOK OF LIVING AND DYING effects their actions have had on others, and experience the emotions their actions have caused. One man told Kenneth Ring: I realized that there are things that every person is sent to earth to realize and to learn. For instance, to share more love, to be more loving toward one another. To discover that the most important thing is human relationships and love and not materialistic things. And to realize that every single thing that you do in your life is recorded and that even though you pass it by not thinking at the time, it always comes up later.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Absolutely...Very nice.